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West Ridge Escrow.

Stone balls perfectly balanced on top of each other

Best in Class Security. 

Secure Transaction Number. 

As a client of West Ridge, you are given a Secure Transaction Number, through our encrypted system. With this number you can check the status of your transaction through our Artificial Intelligence automated system in real time, or login to our Secure Client Portal. 

Plaid Integration

Using our Plaid integration, clients can be confident that banking details are safe and verified. 

Fire Wall

We are unique in the industry for our "Chinese Fire Wall" system. Meaning that for every escrow transaction, we assign two attorneys. One to oversee the contractual obligations, and the other to implement financial orders. The attorneys are never cross contaminated, making social engineering impossible. 

Removal of Human Error. 

With our Artificial Intelligence and Plaid integrations, human error is a thing of the past. To meet requirements of release, any transaction has to go through various check point flows, it is impossible for any transaction to complete the flows with the Secure Transaction Number and Identity Verifiction of the User. 

Removal of Social Aspect to Escrow 

Escrow at its core is a math formula. A + B = Release . 

Our systems do formula's, then triple check those formula's. Then bank verify those formulas. 

It is unfortunately too common for clients to trust professionals who release escrow based on a phone call. That will never happen with West Ridge. 


We partner closely with Plaid, Persona and Modern Treasury.

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